Kaasajate kasvulava

10 oktoober, 2013

Dear Friends,

Autumn is the time for harvesting and gathering! Throughout this year we have planted various seeds of Art of Hosting and Participatory Leadership and it is time to have a look at what we have gathered in our baskets.

We invite you to a small harvesting party at the Palupõhja Nature School, from the 1st to 3rd of November, to reflect on what this year has brought us both individually and as a community of hosts, and also to look into the future together. We will be gathering from around 6 p.m. on Friday to settle in, have a dinner together and open the circle. In the next days we will continue with Appreciative Inquiry and Open Space and finish with lunch on Sunday. There will also be space for exploring the wonderful nature around Palupõhja and enjoying a hot sauna together.

James Ede, a friend from the Sänna learning journey, will join us to help us keep the focus and guide us into deep and meaningful conversations.

Accommodation will be in the Palupõhja Nature School houses in simple conditions, so please bring a sleeping bag or bedding (we have mattresses). We kindly ask for a contribution of 10-25 euros towards food and accommodation.

Please let us know of your interest in participating by contacting Diana at dianatamm@gmail.com or +372 55 672 714 by the 28th of October.

Looking forward to a happy reunion in the Palupõhja autumn!

Robert, Piret, Diana and Kristi

Kaasav juhtimine

Kuidas luua eeldused, et inimesed tahavad osaleda, anda oma panuse ning võtta osa millegi elluviimisest?

Kuidas leida endas sisemised ressursid, et algatada olulisi protsesse?

Kuidas kutsuda ringi need, kes seni on kõrvale jäänud?

Raamat Ruumi Loojad

Raamat Ruumiloojad

Raamat kaasamishuvilistele, juhtidele, maailmamuutjatele

Kaasava juhtimise kogemuslood

- Anneli Kimmel

- Ulla-Maia Timmo

- Toomas Trapido

Õppekorralduse põhimõtted

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