Hosted by Caitlin Frost, Canada

22-24 of July 2015, Estonia, Männiku Metsatalu,

Caitlin FrostPlease join us for a retreat of self-inquiry, learning and using a simple, accessible and profound practice called The Work.

What are the beliefs, assumptions, stressful thoughts and fears that hold you back and cause stress in your life, work, relationships? Where are you stuck in old patterns that are not serving you?

Our own thinking can limit our ability to step fully into our life and work, to connect to our own desires and values, to engage with our full creative and courageous capacity. Sometimes we are not even aware of the assumptions and stories that keep us stuck. To fully engage with the challenges and opportunities of life, we need to be able to work with our own minds and thinking.

The Work by Byron Katie is a simple and profoundly powerful
process for working directly with our own stressful thinking and limiting
beliefs. As a practice it can support us to reduce stress and reactivity, shift
patterns, access creative thinking and bring important and often unseen
perspectives to light. It can also help us cultivate a state of mind that is more
peaceful, creative and adaptable.

In this retreat we will learn the basic practice of The Work and have the opportunity to apply the learning through engaging exercises to many areas of both personal and professional work, failure and success, leadership, communication, working with fear, hosting/facilitation as well as any area of challenge.

Participants will have ample opportunity to apply the practice of The Work as well as learning to facilitate others, and to receive experienced coaching.

The retreat is open for individuals, leaders, innovators, learners, educators, parents, health care and social service providers and anyone wanting to access more peace and possibility in their life and/or work.

The workshop will be hosted by Caitlin Frost (Canada).

She has been practicing and teaching The Work for more than 15 years. She is a Certified Facilitator on The Work and a leadership trainer, life and leadership coach. She leads workshops internationally in a range of settings from meditation centres to corporate teams. Caitlin hosts the Work as a core practice in the cutting edge Leadership 2020 program in British Columbia, the Art of Hosting; with managers and staff in financial institutions and in university programs in Canada and the US including The Harvard Kennedy Leadership Alumni Program; Ohio State University Leadership Program. She is works with any individual navigating the challenges and opportunities of life, work or relationship,


The workshop starts at 11.00 Wednesday, 22nd of July and will finish around 15.00 on Friday, 24th of July.
The location – Männiku Metsatalu – is situated in the midst of forest, near Viljandi, offering a nice surrounding to walk around, about 160 km from Tallinn. The host offers wonderful, mainly organic food rooted in local traditions.
The working language will be english, however exercises may take place in other languages as well.

The  contribution towards the fee for 3 day workshop (incl. accommodation, food, materials)  is based on the principle “contribute as much as you can” between 290 – 390 EUR. In the registration form please indicate the sum that makes it possible for you to take part in the workshop.
NB! The fee doesn´t include travelling cost to Estonia and venue. We are happy to help you in finding your way to the venue. A famous Viljandi Folk Music Festival will take place in the following weekend (23-26 of July). If you cancel your participation up to two weeks before, 75 % of the fee will be refunded, later cancellation options agreed with the organisers.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact:
Piret Jeedas, +3725292242,
Kati Orav, +37256498816,

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